
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

A Few Errands: Magic Duck Flute, Sword Upgrade, & Mushroom Powder

Continuing on with the "100% No Save and Quit" route off of, I'm left with a few errands to complete before I venture into another dank dungeon. First up: the Flute of Greater Duck Summoning. This item is obtained in the cove of trees not too far outside of the village by completing a small series of tasks for a pointy nosed creature.

When you first approach this melodramatic little fellow in the Dark World, he offers you his shovel in return for a promise to return his flute to him from the Light World. It is located in the upper left quadrant of the grove. A "glitch warp" can be done here to save time for speed runs. When you dig in the spot the flute is buried, it will pop out of the ground and bounce over onto a patch of grass. If you have your portal placed on this patch of grass just so, you can grab the flute and instantly be tossed back to the Dark World. What this saves you is a little "cut" scene you have to watch of the flute player vanishing into thin air once you grab the flute.

Then of course if you are speed running, you wouldn't bother to play the flute for the depressed little shovel sharing monster either. This in many ways could be considered a kindness. Once you play the flute for this frowny little NPC, he turns into a tree and dies. Maybe letting him continue his pained existence is cruel, all for the sake of shaving seconds off a personal speed run record. I chose mercy and ended his pitiful existence.

After you've finished playing god of the NPCs, head back to the center of town in the light world and play the flute in front of the weathervane in the center of town. A little white duck will gloriously explode from the top of the weathervane and you can use him to quickly travel where ever you need to go in the Light World Overworld.

And at no point did the toad consider jumping down the ledge on his own...
or simply crawling over the skulls for that matter.

Although not in the list for the run route, I detoured to try out another "glitch warp" for myself. This shortcut allows for an early grab of the Tempered Sword. This can be done as "Bunny Link" early in the game by executing another "glitch warp" on Death Mountain. (This adds time to the run, so if speed is your desire stick to the route.)

You go to the spot just outside of the South side of town where you pick up the toad/Blacksmith. Since you need the enhanced gauntlets to free him normally, you do the "glitch warp" to "step" around the stones. Normally, trying this would leave you leaping off the ledge. Just as Link is about to leap off the ledge, you use the mirror. This will take you to a point where you are trapped on a set of stairs in the Light World and you will immediately be returned to the Dark World. If you time it just right, you will warp while link begins to leap forward and when you return to standing still, you will have been nudged forward one pixel. You do this a few times and will eventually be freed from the wall in the Light World. At this point, you can reposition slightly over your portal and when you make the return trip, you will be one more "glitch warp" away from simply walking over to the toad.

Check out the video below originally posted by Tompa A on YouTube. This is what I watched to get a feel for the timing.

The Witch turns a mushroom into "magic powder", I see what Nintendo did there.

As long as I was in the area, I completed the task of dropping off the mushroom I found in the lost woods at the witch hut and obtaining the powder. I left an offering at the alter outside of the black smith shop of mushroom powder to awaken an irritable purple bat. He will "curse" you so that all of your magic skills cost half as much to use. Best curse I've ever had. In addition to this, I picked up a few jars and heart containers around the town that I needed yet to get.

A quick jump back to the Dark World and I am now ready to venture into the Thieves' Town Dungeon... dank dank dannnnnnnk!

A "kidnapped" young woman turns into a sheet wearing beast monster that I slap in the face with my sword.

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